Sunday, November 27, 2011

Frugal Food Challenge - Day 27

The month challenge is winding down. We made it through Thanksgiving without too much damage. I didn't track cost of the meals on Thanksgiving and black Friday. Mainly I ate turkey, mashed potatoes, etc. at my families house. No surprises there and I had that for left overs the next day as well.

Saturday I got right back into the swing of my $4 a day challenge. I ate:

Usual Breakfast: Toast, Egg, Coffee - $0.57
Snack: Cereal with milk and 1/2 banana sliced - $0.71
Lunch: Two small tacos with beans, pico, and avocado - $1.14
Dinner: Toast with PB and agave syrup - $0.37

Total for the day was $2.79. It was a light eating day. You may have experienced the same after eating a ton of food on the day prior.

With most of the month completed I learned that it was much easier than originally thought to keep my budget under $4 a day. Grocery store food is a great deal compared to eating out. There are of course unaccounted for costs like left-overs that spoil. Gas is another cost but I don't consider it to be extra, since we normally would have to pay the same to get to a restaurant or have food delivered.

At $4 a day, that would amount to approximately $1460 a year for food or $2920 for two people. Right now I spend closer to $5000 a year on food. Sticking to this plan would get significant savings, I just need to convince my wife. =) Of course, it wouldn't be any fun to never eat out and I think setting aside a budget for that is reasonable. It could be done and still have a savings at the end of the year versus my normal spending.

I believe anyone could benefit from limited their food budget and see how creative they can get with their food. Give it a try!

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