Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Frugal Food Challenge - Final Day

November comes to an end and so does this challenge. It's great though, I'm gaining a greater enjoyment from making my own meals. While I won't be tracking the dollars and cents every meal, I walk away more conscientious of my diet and spending then ever before.

Given the fun of this challenge and learning from it, I may continue this blog with further challenges. Probably related to food, diet, or exercise. I'd like to challenge myself to eating out at places that will fit my frugal food budget and also be (decently) healthy. I'm also interested in an exercise challenge to see how much I can walk in a month.

In slightly related news I camped last night because the local fire ban was finally lifted. I found some of the common camp food (smoked sausage and chili in the case) to be reasonably priced. A slight change up from most the meals I've been having this month.

I'm signing off on this challenge with a "toast" if you will. My usual breakfast here, toast, eggs, and a variable side which was black beans on this day. =) Enjoy!

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